viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2007
Christmas, by Natalia & David 1ºBach.A

Christmas is a time when we get out our trees from the ottic a long with the decorations, spend quality time with close ones and enjoy the christmas spirit.In England, families put up their christmas treesand decorate their homes with fairy lights, balls, tinsel and small Father Christmas.Houses and homes are filled with love and warmath. People buy presents up until the last days. Then, on the 24th,once the children have left a carrot, a glass of sherry and a few mince pies out for Santa Claus, they are off to bed while they are sleeping, parents finish wrapping up the presents and place them under their tree. They also nibble the food left out and drink the glass of sherry so that the children believe that Father Christmas has really come. Young children, normally wake up very early to open their presents . So in the morning, kids aswell as adults start tearing at the wrapping paper and opening gifts. Later on, other family members start to arrive, with more gifts, and everyone sits down to eat a huge Sunday dinner, with all the trimmings while listening to Christmas carols. Once everybody is stuffed, they sit and watch TV, normally on the television there are very old films, a lot of them sad ones and typical comedy shows are also on the TV.
But today, this is the meaning of Christmas, presents nobody really remembers the birth of Jesus, no family valves and neither do we remember about the people less fortunate than ourselves.
Santa Claus, whose real name Saint Nicholas due to the fact that he raelly did exist , and wasquite a wealthy man who round his village on the 25th of December in the early hours in the morning, leaving presents on doorsteps of those fortunate than him. He did this art until he was too old to carry on.
I believe that we should recieve presents but I also think that the ones who can’t afford food , nor a roof over their heads deserve a warm place to stay, a hot plate of food and a comfy bed to sleep in. I hope that this Christmas be a great one for everybody.
domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2007
viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2007
Sofia’s composition. Tattoos
This nice composition was written by one of my students after explaining some “writing tips” in class. It took her no longer than ten minutes to do it.
If you read it, you’ll find a short and clear introduction, the main paragraph, with information, details and opinions, and a conclusion:
Nowadays, tattoos are seen very often drawn on people’s bodies, with different shapes and meanings. Getting a tattoo could be a risk since it’s a permanent drawing, unless you get it removed with laser, but this takes a lot of time and money. It could also be quite dangerous if it’s not done with cleaned machines. Even though it has more negative than positive aspects, in my opinion they are nice and attractive and the people who get something tattooed on them tend to be sure enough that they won’t regret it, since it’s usually something meaningful. Therefore I’m in favour of them.
lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2007
The Max Robot

The max Robot can clean the floor, clean carpets, clean windows, wash clothes and it can clean dust. It can’t wash the car, it can’t paint the house or cook and it can’t sing. The price is 50000€
Advantages: easy to use, it’s fast and it has a low maintenance
Disadvantages: Price 50.000€ and it makes much noise.
sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2007

The Superclean Robot: Mum-Robot
The Mum-Robot is very cheap, and it cleans the windows. It can write e-mails. It can’t open the fridge, but it can cook, it can clean the sofa and rooms. It can read but it can’t swim and it can’t fly. It can talk to people.
It’s very modern and it’s price is 500€
Advantages :) Cheap price
Disadvantages : ( Difficult to use.
Alumno de 2ºESO C: Antonio José
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