miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008


Every year me and my family celebrate Halloween. Between the 20th of October and the 31st of October we shop around for Halloween costumes. We always look great and we are different people every year. This year I was dressed as a very pale woman. I had cuts and scars all over my body and face with black and grey hair with a long white dress. It loooked cool. On Halloween my parents take me and my siblings out trick or treating. We get lots of sweets and money. I think I´m a bit too old for it now, but I love going out with my family. After a little while we go home and finish the decorating. Every Halloween we have a Halloween party. Our house always looks like a haunted mansion. Even the bathroom is decorated. We change the doorbell and whenever it rings it makes everyone jump. It´s always a really fun night.

By Leanne Marie Symons 3º ESO D
Drawing. Leticia Navarro, 1º ESO C

sábado, 7 de junio de 2008

Our trip to Gibraltar

You’ll find here the awarded projects done by students of 1º Bachillerato A & B. The ones done by the students of 1º Bach. C are displayed in the hall, on the first floor. They are very nice. Have a look at them.

1st Prize - Irene and Yaiza 1º Bach. B

2nd Prize - Karen 1º Bach. A

3rd Prize - Stephan & David 1º Bach. A

Another 3rd Prize - Vanesa P. 1º Bach.B

Some nice essays about Gibraltar.

viernes, 18 de abril de 2008


Get a Voki now!

“Spanglish” is a play that deals with stereotypes. Charlie is one of the characters, and we want to invite him to spend some time with us in Spain
Here you can read some e-mails written to Charlie.

Here you have some pictures of the play.

Here are the students' comments:
The play was very funny and the actor and actresses performed very well.
The decoration was colourful and beautiful.
It was easy to understand.
Favourite scenes: the scene at the restaurant, on the plane, with the skateboard, in the classroom, dancing to The Beatles’s song with the students, the kiss at the end and especially, the actor pretending to be a bullfighter dancing and singing “Olé!”

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2008

The Difference

A school in Miami, a school in Spain, there is a difference. In Miami we have something called block schedule, also known as periods. We have three classes per day and in total its six classes. One day you might have 2, 4, 6 and another day it can be 1, 3, and 5. The first day of school you go to every class to meet your teachers, and then you are divided into the six periods. There, in Miami, you have advanced classes known as the Honor Students but then you also have the A.P classes for even more advanced students. A.P classes are classes from the University for students who have higher learning and students whose teachers think they are ready for those courses. In Miami to graduate you need three things: One is to get 24 credits, two is to pass a national test called the FCAT, last but not least to pass all your classes. You get the 24 credits by every class you take and pass, every class is worth different credits. One class can give you 0, 5 and another can give you 1 credit it all depends on the class. Not everyone passes the FCAT, but to graduate you must pass it. If you don’t pass the FCAT, even if you’re the best student in your school with a scholarship awaiting you, you won’t get your high school diploma. The schools in Miami serve breakfast and lunch, here in Spain you have a snack and when you get home you eat your lunch. I went to a school where playing a varsity sport is everything? It can be Football, Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Swimming, Water polo, you name it you have it. If you didn’t play in a sport you would join a club. Well you aren’t forced to join either a sport or a club but it would look good when you graduate from high school and the universities start looking at you, to see if you are worth being in the school. You have any kind of club like Space Club, Art Club, Medicine, fashion, and the list just keeps going and going. We have bi-lingual schools; well every school is bi-lingual. If you don’t know English you take your classes in Spanish and you take ESOL classes helping you learn English. Here in Spain is different. You don’t eat lunch here, classes are different you have no electives. In Miami you had an elective for every taste. Music classes, Art classes, Phys.Ed, Technology, Auto Shop, Wood Shop and the electives just keep on going. Here you can’t even pick your classes, you pick the level you want and that’s it. The times over there were form 7:15am ´till 2:30 pm and over here it’s from 8:30am ´till 2:45pm. But if you played a sport or were joined in a club you would usually finish your day at school around 6pm or 6:30pm, because of practices and meetings. Here in the ¨Institute¨

For 4ºEso you have to buy your own books, and everyone pays for every photocopy you need and make. Your teachers don’t do them for you, you are responsible for them, and you pay for your work. In Miami you get your book free of cost, unless if you loose them, and you return them at the end of the school year, except for the work books. The methods of teaching are different, our schools are different, but we all learn the same thing just in different ways.

María 4º ESO A

lunes, 21 de enero de 2008

Martin Luther King’s Day, by Fernando & Louis

As Louis and Fernando mention on their PowerPoint presentation, today, third Monday of January, Americans celebrate Martin Luther King’s Day. Read their essay, and you’ll know a bit about this person.